Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Digital Marketing Campaign Management

When advertising a brand, generating leads, introducing a new product, it is obvious that online marketing is becoming the key player to invest money in. Recent statistics showed that digital marketing now accounts for over 25% of all ad spending by companies. With the continual shift towards digital and social media. Here are a few advertising channels that should be used based upon the things that I have learned through developing strategy at my company and while consulting.

1. Pay Per Click Advertising - there is an entire marketplace of strategy and implementation that needs to take place in the PPC world. If you are working for a large company introducing a new product, or a small business just starting out, PPC allows you to setup small campaigns and bid on keywords based upon the desired and established target market. Campaigns should be targeted by keyword and by location to maximize the impressions on a given search. KPI's to look for on success would be ROI, Click Through Rate, and Cost Per Click.

2. Social Media - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube are all great ways to engage customers and get panel data without having to bring in a focus group. You can create simple ways to engage a consumer, while getting data on what they like to do, who they interact with, and how they use/purchase your product.

EX: Mtn Dew Labs - created as a way for devoted Dew drinkers to log in to a community and "have a part" in the production of future Dew flavors. Under the surface, it is a way to get the most brand loyal customers to have ownership in the brand. They will become the marketers themselves if they are invested into such an idea as Mtn. Dew Labs.

 If you can find unique ways to engage consumers or businesses, they will become marketers for you and provide immense brand awareness of your company and product.

3. Blog - another great way to engage a targeted group of your consumers and to provided continued value of content. A blog can be an easy way for a consumer to engage or an easy way for a company to provide tips on its product or industry.

Ex. Disney was recently listed by Mashable as a company with one of the top 15 corporate blogs ( They use there blog to keep the Disney experience going while you are at home, with behind the scenes looks into various areas of the entertainment that they provide. Definitely a great way to engage the consumer.

4. Metrics - Once you have your digital marketing in place, it is key to have tools to analyze your ROI. Google Analytics and Adwords are both great simply tools that can be used to see Unique visitors to your site, peak time for visits, what keywords are performing, and things of that nature. Make sure to choose KPI's that fit with your companies definition of success  and continually track those. 

What are some other thoughts that you guys have about Digital Marketing and Strategy?


  1. Sheila Stygar Via LinkedIn - Good stuff! Thanks for sharing, Joe!

  2. Rob Bonham Via LinkedIn - I couldnt agree more. With consumers becoming more tech savy it is crucial we understand where they are searching and how they are searching in order to grab their attention. As we see search based marketing get increasingly more targeted to the consumer, digital marketing is a must for any brand.

  3. Rob Bonham Via LinkedIn: Great real world examples of how getting creative with digital media can engage the consumer. There are countless times I have consulted with businesses that have no idea how to get creative. I believe that creativity and innovation are the ways your brand can beat the competition.
