Monday, April 25, 2011

Data, Data, Data

It is hard to disprove an idea when there is data behind it. Testing and tracking numbers is key to determining success of a webpage, promotional marketing, investing, and acquisition targets amont other things. When creating a strategic plan for a future endeavor or event, make sure to include 2 specific, quantifiable metrics that will be used to determine success. For example;

1. If you are a basketball coach, you may determine that FG % and Rebounds are your top priority. 
2. If you are in various areas of business you may like to look at ROI or Revenue as your metrics for success
3. If you are a Product Marketing Manager for a new item you may look at Brand Awareness and Brand Identity from panel and syndicate data, along with Revenue to determine if a product will have future success
4. If you are working on landing pages you may look at forms generated or bounce rate to test for success. 

Whatever position you are in or wherever you may end up, the use of data will be key to the future success of yourself within the company and with the company itself. 

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